New Moon Reading March 2

March 2022

Welcome to Pisces season and welcome to the new moon in Pisces. Water signs send us swimming into many realms of our inner seas. They push and pull us in the ebb and flow of our desires and our limitations. At times we may feel we are swimming against the current or stuck continuously swirling in our own eddy of self destruction. This New Moon gives us a beautiful opportunity to release the dam and let it flow! Let it all go! Let go of fear, and the unknown. Let go of blocks and relationships that no longer serve our greater good. It’s also a time to let creativity flow. Pisces are extremely creative and unique. Let this New Moon spark your creativity. Sing, dance, write or whatever makes your heart sing with it’s true expression of self. Feel all the feelings this month, don’t be afraid to let the rivers run through you. But let them run through, Do not block them into a stagnant puddle, no life can thrive there. Your intuition and dreams will be heightened during these high tides of Pisces energy, do not disregard what your soul is speaking to you know. If you keep a dream journal, this New moon time would be great for keeping track of the messages you are receiving. Keeping your lymphatic system clean this month will be of great benefit. The lymphatic system is the water that flows through our body, it helps move toxins out and allows hormones to move to where they need to be. Try to keep from overindulging in toxic behaviors that may cause blockages in your internal waters. Meditation and Yoga are great ways to cleanse your mind and move your lymphatic system. Taking walks can also help clear the mind and get the fluids moving in your body. Watch negative self talk and self sabotage as Pisces can have a tendency towards self pity and sorrow. Have compassion for yourself and others. I feel we’ve seen a beautiful display of Piscean compassion through some of these dark days lately 🌻 🌻

I invite you to navigate through these turbulent waters with grace, compassion, creativity and unity. I hope this reading gives you a moment to feel into your higher self and step out of the sea of despair and destruction.

Affirmations for Pisces season:

  • “I can go with the flow”

  • “I am compassionate and creative”

  • “I trust my intuition”

  • “I allow flow in my life”

  • “My emotions are fluid And I am adaptable”

  • “Abundance flows to me and through me”

This month I am intuitively pulling cards from The Teachings of Abraham deck and The Herbal Healing deck

*These are intuitive collective card readings, intended to reflect the energies of the Collective Consciousness of us all*

Card #1

“It is possible to live upon this planet with large numbers of other Beings- who believe and behave in a variety of ways-in peace…. When you are able to focus in such a way as to allow your alignment with Source even though others are choosing to behave differently than you are choosing, then you will truly be free from the bondage of attempting the impossible task of getting everyone to agree on one right way. One right way would lead to endedness. Many “right” ways allow Eternal expansion.”



Heart Healing ❤️‍🩹

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it”

- Rumi

I think this card is so appropriate for the current energies. I feel that we all need some heart healing and with this new moon in Pisces we all feel it amplified. We have watched the world go through so many changes over the last few years and it’s been heavy on our hearts as a collective consciousness on Planet Earth. Our division only makes that weight heavier. One thing I think we’ve all seen lately tho is our capacity to have empathy and love for those who are in extreme turmoil. I truly believe that we can all step aside and open our hearts for one another but there is also a pendulum that swings both ways and where there is light there is dark. Letting our heart be open to the light will help to guide us through the darkness. 🌻

Here’s what Sarah Baldwin says about Hawthorn

“Hawthorn is a small tree or bush that produces sweet red berries. These edible berries along with the flowers and leaves, hold the medicine of the plant. Hawthorn’s healing gifts are very gentle, so the tea or tincture can be taken long-term as a heart and circulatory tonic. While this is of great benefit to the body, Hawthorn’s ties to the heart go far deeper than the physical realm. The plant spirit of Hawthorn is one of the most potent for healing and opening the energetic heart. The heart is now recognized as a primary organ of perception, creating more electromagnetic energy than the brain. Caring for our hearts, both physically and emotionally, is of immeasurable value to our lives. The heart chakra is the very center of our being, the middle ground between the earthly lower chakras and the heavenly upper chakras. The heart is what allows us to rise above mere survival, pleasure, and ego drives to feel true love for ourselves, others, and for life itself. Although traditionally associated with the color green, this chakra also carries a pink vibration that combines the red root chakra with the white crown chakra. With white flowers and red berries, Hawthorn helps us combine the two energies into a vibrant and balanced heart chakra. The experience of love is an interesting thing. Joy and sorrow are inextricably intertwined in the complicated web of the heart. Oftentimes, the memory of a joyous experience will bring about a sense of nostalgia, a longing for the love felt in times past. Childhood holds nostalgic memories, as we come into the world with naturally open hearts and so experience it with a joyful, innocent perception. This is also a time when we receive our first wounds to the heart. Paving the way for future scars and closures. Even those who were blessed with a healthy upbringing can still point to painful childhood memories. Such injuries can linger into adulthood, so that we unconsciously reenact relationships from our childhood in cyclical ways. Now is the time to examine the relationship of your past to your present through the lens of the heart. Hawthorn is a member of the Rose family and has thorns covering its trunk and branches. On an energetic level, these thorns act as acupuncture needles, gently piercing points of the emotional heart in order to stimulate healing. Doing such work now will allow you to dislodge blockages so you can start pumping love more freely through your veins. You now have the opportunity to view your patterns with great clarity, so that you can break free from limiting beliefs and assumptions about love. Open yourself to Hawthorn’s wisdom, you will receive the ultimate reward- a greater depth of feeling and higher capacity to love.

Card# 3

“As more people observe hardship and strike a tense, resistant pose- and therefore disallow their own well-being- others use them as their reason to do the same. And, in a very short time, a very negative pattern of resistance can sweep through the population. The good news in this scenario is that, in every moment that every person is feeling negative emotion about the economic state, Vibrational requests for more abundance are launched-and those requests are heard clearly, and responded to immediately, by Source.”

Have a wonderful month and remember to go with the flow 🌊

Thank you for being a part of this reading with me ✌🏼 🕊


Rewilding in Colorado